Act without FEAR

Company, there comes a time when change is necessary and you consult no one else but yourself. Just like a merger or take over, reclaim your life after “the sh*** hits the fan”, and make executive decisions so you can finally align gains in personal growth to create joyous life experiences.

After years of failed relationships, most recently 2 consecutive failed relationships one spanning 8 years and right after another 3 years, I experienced painful consequences and lessons from each. The fact is I struggle with low self-esteem and poor self-love. After you take many loses as a company of one, what decisions will benefit you regardless of the collateral damage? Think about all the things outside an intimate relationship you ever wanted but just didn’t accomplish.

Becoming comfortable in your own skin takes time so arm yourself with knowledge, make the plan and execute fearlessly. The reality of self-work is that its harder for some than others, it’s messy, you will lose people who claim to be friends, you may have to isolate yourself, get comfortable with being alone and repeat. Reflect on the Daily 5 from “When sh*** hits the fan” and app resources as a starting point to any self-love action(s) required.

Finally, I want to leave you with another resource (video) for the ongoing practice of personal growth featuring Oprah so check out this video and as you reflect on the 10 Rules for Self Love which one resonates the most with you right now? I personally find comfort in no.3, until next time keep evolving. 

Video credit: Mindspo, Published on Dec 25, 2018

Published by Seanette Haynes

Thirty-something who is actively working on all levels of self improvement to increase self-worth and live life without fear and borders; join me and the company.

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